Conceptualize and design the interface for a sci-fi weather app that would seamlessly fit into the interior of a spaceship, such as Prometheus or Enterprise. The application should feature intricate details, graphics, and diagrams while maintaining both style and accuracy.
I designed the application for an iPad screen, providing ample space for data while blending naturally into a futuristic setting. I used real weather data from various locations and presented it through charts and bars. Unlike many sci-fi interfaces, the data in my application is meaningful and practical.
To enhance the sci-fi aesthetic, I incorporated visual elements inspired by science fiction movies, including frames, grids, small uppercase text, and, of course, an abundance of numbers.
This concept is a personal project and, to some extent, an extreme take on a mobile application. It serves primarily as a design challenge for me, and years later, I still take pride in the final result.
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