Adapting the TomTom navigation product to a specific car brand. Since every car brand has its own defined and recognizable styling, I needed to modify the navigation interface to make it look native while preserving all functionality and usability.
The UI of an in-dash system must comply with strict safety guidelines and requirements. Every interface element must be easily readable at a glance and from a distance.
To achieve this, I prepared a style guide with all possible controls, applied them to each screen one by one, created all necessary assets, and supported the development process.
This was my first automotive project, and it became a significant milestone in my portfolio. The complexity of these systems, the long development cycles, and the strict safety standards had such a profound impact on me that they shaped my career path.
It was also the first time I had to adapt one interface to another while maintaining stylistic continuity and minimizing visible seams between the two designs.
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